kitchen design ideas 2014
are you building a new home, orlooking to update your kitchen? next up we'll see how showplacekitchens gives you great ideas,knowledgeable designers, and a variety of options.they're coming up next. hi, dan. hi, trisha. welcome toshowplace kitchens. thank you. we are here in yourshowroom on minnesota avenue insioux falls, and we're going to but first of all, give me anidea of the products andservices that showplace offers. we offer a wide variety ofcabinetry needs, countertops,decorative hardware for anything that you might doin your projects at home.
dan, there are so many choiceswhen you're picking outcabinets, styles, finishes, woo how do the designers help theirclients make the rightdecisions for them? when you enter the showroomthey're going to ask youquestions to get to know you to what your project is reallygoing to be. we need to know what exactlywhat you're going to use yourprojects for, and then we can h. so the key is asking the rightquestions to get those answersout of people. absolutely. you may feel alittle intimidated when youwalk into the showroom by us as, but we really do that to putyou with the right person sothat we can design the project . and then i would imagine thatthe designer works with theirclient throughout the process.
how does the communication work? each of the designers will takethe information from theinitial meeting and set up timee and do actual visits to seewhat the project looks like,take dimensions, and start the and put ideas down on paper. from there decisions can bemade as to what needs to bechanged. so keeping them informed allalong the process. all the way through the process. and your designers keep up ontheir craft. how do they dothat? through the experiences. everyjob is different so you'realways learning as you go throu
there are classes that peopletake, there's websites, andvarious other items where they gather information and learnabout their craft and trade. of course people think aboutthe full kitchen remodel or abrand new home, but you also ca? that's right. we can do a widevariety of things from astarter home to a grand luxury we do a lot of bathrooms, we dolaundry rooms, entertainmentcenters, offices, we do some commercial work, avariety of things that can bedone. we're here in the sioux fallsshowroom, but you do have alocation in harrisburg also. what are the benefits of having2 locations? each showroom has its owncharacter within. there areproducts that are represented i
and what we do is we havecustomers actually go to bothshowrooms so that they can get that we have potential to makefor them. they may like acertain door style that they se but they may see the color inharrisburg. so they may travel both ways tosee what that is. so it gives people a lot ofoptions and you can also touchand feel and see things firstha. there are component pieces thatmay be represented in siouxfalls that they want to see. we may bring them up to siouxfalls to show them thatspecific component piece that's. we're going to have a chance totake a look at some of thehomes that showplace kitchens r and i'm going to take a littletour of the showroom.
all right. enjoy yourself. for this kitchen the customerwanted an open floor plan withplenty of counter-space. showplace kitchens created acustom island with plenty ofroom for seating, function and the dark granite countertopsare a nice accent to the trendywhite cabinetry. from top to bottom, thecustom-glass cabinet doors enhance the feel of an openkitchen. add a traditionalbacksplash and you have the com. those are some beautifulprojects. and here at showplacekitchens they're always keeping the designers are able tointroduce new ideas, makingyour space functional and beaut offering a variety of stains,woods and finishes.
now, let's hear from somesatisfied homeowners. we knew we wanted a newkitchen. we weren't sure whatwe were going to end up with. w and actually saw this kitchenon display, and i knew right away that'swhat i wanted. our designerreally helped take the stress o we had lots of questions, lotsof decisions that we made onour own, but then there were some decisions that wereally needed help with. and our designer really knewwhen to step in and help us.our designer also knew when to "you know what you want, andi'll make that happen." thepeople there really took us ste and made it a very painlessprocess.
dan, the showroom has so manydifferent ideas to bring topeople, and they should really harrisburg location to take alook. each of the showrooms has itsown unique displays. there'sreally no duplication in either so it's best to be able to seeboth showrooms. now, as we talked about alittle bit earlier, you reallycan work with any budget. talk . a lot of times when people aredoing remodels, they might notknow exactly what the budget is they know what they want, theyhave their dreams, but theydon't know how to put all of th so we can help them work withthat. if they have an idea coming in,it helps us get them to a pointwhere they need to be.
so if someone's ready to getstarted, what's really thefirst step? should they come in? yes; i think that the mostimportant thing is just cominginto the showroom, find the designer that you'recomfortable with, create arelationship so that you can si and have a one-on-oneconversation and let them knowwhat you're looking for so that they can have an ideaof how to start designing theprocess for you. dan, it's been fun to lookaround your showroom. andbefore we go, what should peopl? when they have a project thatthey want to do they shouldcome into either of the showroo sit down with them, discusstheir ideas, and let us makeyour place your very own showpl. great. thanks for joining us.
thank you.