italian kitchen design los angeles

italian kitchen design los angeles

hi, i'm stephanie barnett on behalf of's turn this pizza dough into this pizza pie. now we have our pizza ready to go inthe oven, it is on the peel your oven is at 450 degrees to 500. remember it is hot souse an oven mit have a spatula to help you. open that oven, you have your pizza stoneand that is super hot too, if you don't want to touch any of this with your bear're just going to slide that pizza (see how easy that was) it just slides right offbecause we floured the peel. we're going to slide that back in and it is going to be tenminutes, it might not even be ten minutes, if it's at 500 degrees it might be seven set that timer right away and watch that pizza and use your senses, you might be ableto smell when that pizza is done. you do not

want a burn pizza, so that pizza is readyto come out of the oven, let's see. oh perfect, the cheese is just golden brown, the crustis ready and see how easily that slides off on that peel. now if you use a pizza stoneit is very important to leave it in the oven, when you're done making the pizzas turn theoven off and leave the stone in there. if you try to pull out a hot pizza stone outof the oven personally you're going to burn your hands and second of all the stone isgoing to break. it needs to cool down completely in the oven, let it be stone cold before youtake it out.

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