italian kitchen design cape town

italian kitchen design cape town

well, hello there. what are we up to today? oh, hello. we are up to an apartment tour here in kiev(ðšð¸ñ—ð²). yeah. we're going to show you yeah our ukrainianapartment that we've been staying in for just over a week. uh huh. and it is right behind through that arch.

yeah, and we're on a beautiful street. yeah, we really are. like check out these buildings. tada. it looks like it could be it looks like itcould be in paris or buenos aires. like, yeah it is pretty amazing. alright, so let's watch for traffic and leadthe way. i'll follow you. well, here is the building.

lots of construction happening as you canhear. this building is not quite as nice as theone that we just walked by. you can tell that is has got a bit of fadedcharm here. hehehe. a little bit rundown on the outside but itis quite nice inside. yes. we are only on the 2nd floor, which is a nicesurprise. we tend to always be on the 4th or 5th floorand we have to carry up our big luggage. that is so annoying.

so we're happy to only be on the 2nd floor. let's go take a look. let's go in. you know what is the scary part? it looks like there was an electrical fireover there. anyways, let's continue to the second floor. sam has the key. here is the key. in we go.

i'm going to take you in and then you aregoing to show us the apartment. haha. come on in. okay, so time for the tour. we've just come in through the main door andfirst up is the bathroom. is the bathroom. we may as well show you the bathroom. oh, the lights are already on. good.

da dun. so we've got a tub and a shower. you kind of have to climb into this tub. it is pretty high. more than what i am used to. yeah, the shower is perfectly adequate. i wouldn't say it was my favorite part ofthis apartment. like it did the job but um it was okay. it wasn't huge.

and moving on to the rest. what have we got? sink. toilet. a washing machine which is always super exciting. that is mandatory. that is a must for us now in an airbnb. we need to have a washing machine. it is so annoying doing laundry otherwise.

and that was the water heater. so we always had hot water. alright. nothing else to show you. that is it. that is the bathroom. the bathroom is not the most exciting part. no, it is not. lights off.

close the door. the most exciting part for me is just thesheer size of this place. this is a big a nice big apartment. as you'll see. so this is our living area. and we've got some lovely teal couches goingon. bit of a retro vibe. definitely a retro vibe. maybe stuck in the 70s or 80s slightly.

but like it is a wide open space which iswhat i really love. absolutely. yeah, tv we never touch the tv. we didn't even check to see if it was working. no. there was like you know some storage spacewe didn't use that at all. um, this was sam's little work station righthere. it was wonderful. tuk tuk tuk.

it was wonderful and for a little while wewere actually brought the table in the kitchen and we brought it out here when we were havinglike a co-working space. a coworking space. as you fall. and i almost just fell because like if youlook down here there is a little ridge. oh my gosh. but yeah, super high ceilings. oh, it is a little echoey in here. yeah, it is ridiculously high.

so i'm 6 feet tall and it is like at least2 and a half if not 3 of me to the top of that. it is not that much. i would say two of you. two of me and a bit of change. we'll say that. yeah, so if you come this way we've got ourkitchen. yep. so we have another table with some chairsand little stools.

we have like our coffees and our little snackshere. so i do a bit of cooking here. i just made pasta but look at these pots. oh yeah. they are like some heavy duty like old fashionedpots. and this kitchen also has like a super 70s80s feel to it too. check out that. check out the microwave. green.

yeah, green. i think there is green color reminds me ofvintage i don't know why. yeah, i don't think this color is so popularanymore. but yeah, a big fridge. we only have cheese and salami in there. so we don't really need to have a look around. yeah, that is very true. um, yeah in terms of utensils there was nothingin particular that impressive. you can just see that they had they actuallyhad nice they had everything we needed.

we had wine glasses, we had lots of cutlery. water. we should talk about water. because we found out apparently you are notsupposed to drink the tap water in kiev (ðšð¸ñ—ð²). so we were boiling water for the first fewdays and then we just started buying these because they were super cheap. yeah, i think like maybe if you're local thatmight be a different situation but it reminds me a bit of like when we were in lima, peru. everyone was like don't drink the tapwaterbut all of the locals were drinking it.

like you always ending up drinking some inthe shower or brushing your teeth. that is true. i've never had issues. that was the kitchen. that is the kitchen. and then there is only one more room left. that is right. the bedroom. so come in.

come in the bedroom. don't trip. aaah. baaa. just kidding. hahaha. actually i, you are such a boy like playingwith little cars. psssh. let's confession time.

we've both stubbed our toes really badly. yeah, we kept tripping over it. we kept tripping over that. but yeah, we had a really nice big bed. it was really comfy. um, lots of space for clothes. i'm just going to move over here. we actually bothered unpacking and like puttingour stuff in the bedroom. show how big the drawers are too.

like we have these. these are nice and big. so we were using those. yeah, we're all packed up. we're actually just about to leave so andthen we had a huge wardrobe over here that we used as well. so we really appreciated the space. and sometimes we feel like when we've beenon the road too often especially if we've been staying in really small accommodationswe start to crave something that feels more

a bit more like a home and this place wasbig enough to give us that sense of feel. like yeah, we actually like our we didn'tfeel cramped in here at all. it was a nice big apartment. nice and spacious. dadada. maybe you can tell us about the price forthis place. yeah, i'll finish things up here on the couch. alright, alright. so final thoughts about this apartment herein kiev (ðšð¸ñ—ð²).

we really liked it. the location was fantastic. it was quite central. we were nearby like metro stations. we were nearby parks. we were nearby really good restaurants. lots of restaurants, bars, cafes. so yeah, that was fantastic and also the otherreally cool thing was the price. it was in the upper 20s like just under $30us dollars and we found just by looking on

airbnb that you can get fantastic value insay the 20 to upper 30 dollar range. you can get a really nice apartments. big spacious also all different locationsthroughout the city and so yeah if you're coming if you're coming to kyiv (ðšð¸ðµð²)you can definitely do it on a budget you don't have to spend a lot of money like there isno need to get like a 50 or 60 dollar place. unless you want luxury. yeah, for that price you do get luxury. i guess so yeah. you would at that price.

but in the 20 to 30 range you can find excellentvalue and yeah we would highly recommend this apartment. it was really cool. everything worked. the internet was fine. um, yeah just a great neighborhood and theonly thing we regret is that we don't have a few more days here. because we really liked the city and we wouldhave liked to stay in kiev (ðšð¸ðµð²) a little bit longer.

yeah, one week flew by. one week just went like that. but it is time to move on. we are packed up so time to go. next up is lviv and yeah stay tuned becausewe'll also do an apartment tour there as well. okay. bye. tata.

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