italian kitchen design atlanta

italian kitchen design atlanta

file name : techniques & art of professionalbread baking length : 3.31 minutesmale speakers : male 1 : sim cassdate : october 08, 2015 [00:00:00][audio begins] [background music]male 1 : do you love the smell of hot bread coming out of your kitchen? find nothing moredelicious than butter melting onto warm croissants? imagine working with your hands every dayin pursuit of that perfect loaf. whether you're a pastry chef looking to perfect your skillsor a novice looking to open your own bakery, the institute of culinary education's techniquesin art of professional bread baking program

will teach you to master the science and craftof artisanal bread. ice's exclusive 200-hour bread program was developed by sim cass, anew york city bread-baking icon. chef sim was one of the founding bakers behind balthazarbakery, introducing new yorkers to a whole new world of european-style bread.sim cass : please don't worry if the edges are rough. that's good. we don't want neat,straight lines. we want nice, raggedy edges and all looking beautiful, like me.male 1 : sim revolutionized the bread scene in new york city, captivating new yorkerswith his famous, deeply toasted and crusty loaves, which earned him the nickname "theprince of darkness" from the new york times. sim cass : you're gonna have to excuse me.i do cook everything pretty dark.

male 1 : sim is nationally recognized, frequentlylending his expertise to some of the world's most respected restaurants and bakeries asa bread consultant. don't miss the chance to learn from a bread legend, exclusively,at the institute of culinary education. our intensive eight-week bread program is brokendown into five 40-hour courses with the focus on natural yeast and fermentation.course one covers the basics of bread. students will master dough preparation, bread sciencetheory, pre-ferments, natural ferments and more. course two is all about shape, withthe focus on shaping baguettes, rolls and loaf breads plus, you'll learn the techniquesneeded for cutting and scoring bread. sim cass : it's kind of like holding a snake.the trick is to not let it get too skinny

in any one spot. i want it nice and neat.male 1 : course three focuses on especially breads from around the world like ciabatta,focaccia, pugliese and more. in this course, you'll also learn about baking with alternativegrains like rye. one of the highlights includes a tour of a major new york city bakery. fromsavory to sweet, course four takes an in-depth look at viennoiserie and breakfast pastries,from croissants and pain au chocolat to laminated doughs and donuts. course five rounds outthe program with a focus on natural ferments and sourdoughs. in this course, you'll alsolearn about the business side of bread with lessons focused on opening a bakery.the bread industry is on the rise and you could be at the forefront of this emergingtrend, from bakery owner to kitchen enthusiast.

now is your chance to shape the most widelyconsumed food in the world. explore, master and find your culinary voice in the worldof bread at the institute of culinary education. visit or call 888-949-2433today. [audio ends]

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