italian design white kitchen

italian design white kitchen

hi everyone, i'm in monza, at home of one of our client, who choose the design and the style of rifra, to furnish her kitchen. hi nicoletta, ciao. and thank for the interview. tell us a bit your experience with rifra. well, with rifra was an awesome experience, i must say that i already knew the brand for referall and others projects,cbut until a few months ago, i never contact the company.

when i arrived in rifra, i must be honest, i already had a pretty good idea about what i wanted, but i could not, however, concretize the idea of my kitchen, which as you see, is a little bit particular, mostly for the angle of the walls. once in rifra, i met an absolutely outstanding team, among which also an architect who has had the great merit to understand my idea, but above all, concretize it in an absolutely magnificent project. and as for the choice of model and the finishes? how did it happen? i followed the advice of some rifra employees,

i was advised to visit the showroom of modena, and i have to say that the trip was worth it, because i saw all the main models, but above all, the finishes, and the possibility that i had, the expensive one, or the little less expensive, however also i have been absolutely fine recommended by the head the store, and so it was a very useful tour that helped me a lot to have clear ideas, and figure out what i wanted for my home. thank you. what about the functionality of the kitchen? so, at first i was a bit 'worried, meaning that as you can see i have columns

that are dedicated to appliances, one with the fridge and the freezer, and the other part with ovens, so i was a little worried about not having space, but i have to say that the interior spaces are huge, so i have a lot of space, and above all the areas of the peninsula, and the sink area have been structured so well that every single centimeter is exploited and used, and as i told you, i was afraid of not having space, but in reality, i have so much room ... so we can say that it is a positive experience, what about the post production? absolutely fine, i did not have any kind of problem, they respected de delivery date, with a team of

four people, in my house, to install, and is an experience that i would like to do again, and i recommend it to someone else. well, thank you, nicoletta, for your interview. laura rifratv

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