kitchen designs with white cabinets and black countertops

kitchen designs with white cabinets and black countertops

do you want to update your kitchencabinets without weeks of demolition? granite transformations will show ushow next. ♪ instrumental ♪ - hi tricia.- tricia: hi trish. - trish: we are here at the showroomof granite transformations we're going to be talking about cabinetrefacing today. first of all, tell us a little bit about granitetransformations. tricia: granite transformationsspecializes in kitchen and bathroom remodeling, both existing projects and new construction, as well as cabinet

refacing. - trish: let's talk about refacing. for somebody not familiar with what it is,walk me through the process. - tricia: with our cabinet refacingprocess we start with your existing kitchen layout. most of our customersare happy with the layout, but would like a different look, possibly a different color, different door style, so we reface their cabinet boxes, install all newdrawers, including drawer boxes, to give them a completely updated look, possiblydifferent color, and very functional kitchen.- trish: so what are the real benefits of refacing, rather than completely redoingyour kitchen cabinetry.

- tricia: one of the biggest benefits isthe ease of the project. most of our cabinet refacing projects are done inabout two days so it's very convenient for the customer.- trish: what are some of the options for colors and styles of cabinetry?- tricia: we have a large collection of door styles that our customers can choosefrom, as well as a wide range of popular colors. one of our most popular colorsright now is a dark italian walnut. we also have a light italian walnut that isjust different from the standard oak that a lot of people are used to.- trish: and you can also tie in a new backsplash while you're refacing yourcabinets. tell me about options for that.

tricia: our glass mosaic tile can becustomized with certain blends so that if a customer wants to highlight a specificcolor in their kitchen we can make a mosaic tile backsplash that's unique totheir project. a lot of our customers love that they're just very unique and otherpeople can't get them anywhere, so they really provide a "wow" factor for theirkitchen. - trish: if someone is ready to getstarted what's the first step in the process?- tricia: the best thing that they can do is come into our showroom. we have a wide variety of cabinets that have been

refaced so that they can get a goodopportunity to look at what the materials feel like, how they look, as well as the functionality of the drawers and doors. - trish: and then after they've gottensome ideas here at the showroom you can come out and take a look at their space?- tricia: exactly. we come out and do a full measure of their kitchen, look atcolors in their own home, and then help them put together a package that will maketheir kitchen look beautiful. - trish: we've seen a lot of great ideashere at the showroom. let's go take a look at a cabinet refacing project.- tricia: sounds great. - trish: tricia, we're now in a cabinetrefacing project, recently completed

by granite transformations. tell me whathappened here. - tricia: well our customer here decided to move forward with a countertop and backsplash project that included an under-mount sink and facet. when we got part way into the project he decided that he'dlike to do the whole entire kitchen by going ahead and refacing the cabinetsalso. - trish: so how were the cabinets updated?tricia: the cabinets before were also white, they were just a very boxy, plainstyle. our new cabinet doors have a little bit softer edge, we added the crownmolding, different hardware. the customer liked the general style, butwanted to have a nice, fresh look.

- trish: so when you choose to do acabinet refacing with granite transformations, how is that reallydifferent than a complete kitchen overhaul?- tricia: well, if you tear out your kitchen, you're going to end up with many weeks out of your kitchen. granite transformations turns around their cabinetrefacing in about two days. you still have the use of your kitchen while we'reworking on the project. also, a tear out can involve $30,000 to $50,000 incosts to the customer and our projects are typically less than half of that.- trish: also, some of the upgrades are standard when you work with granitetransformations. tell me about some of

those options.- tricia: our cabinet refacing, the standard package, includes all new doors,all new drawers, and then both the doors and the drawers come standard with softclose hinges and glides. we complete the project with crown molding, the customer's choice of hardware, and toe kick. there really isn't a lot a customercan add to the job to increase expenses, with the exception of maybe roll-outdrawers or roll-out trash cans. and all these upgrades come standard with granite transformations. - trish: now with granite transformations,how is the process for the countertop replacement different?- tricia: the difference in our product

is that it's an overlay type product, there's no demolition involved. we use the customer's existing countertops as a base. along with not having to deal with the mess, they also are not land filling product. - trish: tell me a little bit more aboutyour installation crew. - tricia: when you work with granitetransformations, from start to finish, you're working with granitetransformation's employees. we do not sub-contract out any work, so all of our installers are certified in installing our product.- trish: well we've seen a lot of great examples, from countertops to cabinetrefacing. if someone is ready to upgrade

their kitchen or bath, why should theywork with granite transformations? - tricia: the largest benefit of working with granite transformations is that we see them through the entire project. theywork with all granite transformations' employees from start to finish.- trish: great, thanks so much for joining us.tricia: thank you. for more about granitetransformations, visit them online, or at their showroom.

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