simple italian kitchen designs

simple italian kitchen designs

how to make amazing homemade breadsticks hello and welcome to in the kitchen with matt,i am your host, matt taylor. today, i am going to teach you how to make breadsticks. thesebreadsticks are very very similar to the breadsticks that you would get at a restaurant like olivegarden, ooh those bottomless baskets of breadsticks, love those things. so that's what we are goingto make today, let's get started. for the ingredients we have 3 cups of bread flour,1/4th cup of softened or melted butter, we have two tablespoons of sugar, we have oneteaspoon of active dry yeast, one and a half teaspoons of table salt, we also have onecup and one tablespoon of water. i have a pan with parchment paper here, i also havea whisk, and i have a fork. first what we

want to do is we want to heat up our water,so we can proof our yeast, so i am going to heat this water in the microwave for about30 seconds. we want it to be in between 105 and 115 degrees. ok now i am going to addmy sugar, and my yeast, take my fork and mix it around a little bit, and that yeast isgoing to feed off the sugar. and then we just set this aside and let it sit for 5 to 10minutes, until it starts to get nice and foamy on top. and that is how we know that yeastis active. ok the yeast has had time to sit, and as you can see it is nice and foamy there,so we know that it is activated. now what we do, what we are going to do move that overhere, we are going to grab our flour and we are going to add our salt. we are going totake our whisk, and lets just whisk that in,

ok, then we are going to take our butter,and we are going to put that in there as well, and then our yeast. and we will go ahead andmix this all up. and then when it gets to about this point, this is when i take it to the counter andwe will start to knead. and so we are going to take this, and we are going to push itout right there, and we will leave some of this dry stuff right there at the edge there.and the way that you knead is you push it like that with your hands, fold and push,and then turn, put the rest of this dough in there. and then you knead it for about8 minutes. ok and then once you are done, i got this other bowl here, and i just put a little bitof canola oil in there, umm, and i am just going to go ahead and mix it all around thesides there, you can use olive oil too if

you like. and i will take my dough, and iam going to move it around a little bit so it gets coated. all right, so i am going tocover it, and let it rise for an hour to an hour and a half. ok as you can see that doughhas risen quite nicely. and now what i am going to do is i want to divide it into about12 equal parts. so i am going to just take this out of there, and to do that, i am goingto just stretch it out a little, and we are going to do thirds, like that. then i wantfour pieces of each. one two three four. and then what i am going to do is just take mydough cutter here, and if you don't have a dough cutter, then that is all right, justuse your knife. and if they are not exactly the same size, don't worry about it. now whatwe are going to do is, we are going to take

a piece and just roll it in our hands, soit is about 6 to 8 inches long. and we will go ahead and just put it right on our paperhear, like that. just like that. ok and then another thing you can do is you can use a sheet pan, with an artisan mat ifyou like. ok then what we are going to do is let these rise again, for another hourto hour and a half, before we bake them in the oven, and i am going to re-cover theseup that way they don�t dry out. ok, our bread sticks have finished rising. and nowwhat i am going to do, is i got about 2 tablespoons of butter there, and i am going to just putthis on, and this is going to help it get nice and golden brown, and add some nice flavor,so let's go ahead and just butter the tops of all these. we will set this extra butteraside, and we are going to put this on them,

right when they come out of the oven. so nowlet's preheat the oven to 400 degrees, and then we are going to bake these at 400 degreesfor 12 minutes or until they are nice and golden brown. on to that step, ok and oncethey come out of the oven, we are going to take our butter, and we are going to immediatelyput some more butter on top, and then what we do is we take a little bit of garlic powderor garlic salt, give it a little sprinkle. all right our breadsticks are done, they smellamazing, they were really easy to make, simple ingredients, if i can make these, you canmake them. i'm matt taylor; this has been another episode of in the kitchen with matt.thank you for joining me, stay tuned for another episode, if you have any questions or comments,put them down below, and i will try to get

back to you. don't forget to subscribe, takecare. time for me to dive into one of these.

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