small restaurant kitchen design ideas

in this video, we're going to talk aboutcommercial kitchen design and commercial kitchen equipment -- particularly when itcomes to supermarkets. hey, good day. ariel. how are you doing? how you doing? i'm doingwell, thank you. so i understand you're the man to talk to when it comes tocommercial kitchen design in supermarkets. maybe you could start with giving me a sense of what are the key areas ofsupermarkets that have different commercial kitchen design requirements?the key areas of a supermarket -- to sum it all up -- it encompasses everything in thefood industry. it means you're gonna have from a butcher department to a delidepartment -- for hot foods for cold foods.
for fish department, for raw fish. for asushi department. down to produce department, cut-up fruits, and juststandard fruits. and then generally -- there's a lot of refrigeration andrefrigeration at the back of the house and refrigeration in front of the house. allof that has to come together to have an efficient supply for a customer walkinginto the door and you'd like to -- you know, he wants to walk in and walk out andhave everything in these in his house. and the idea is we partner up when wewalk into a, an owner or someone that would like to feed the population anddeal with the demographics correctly is that we're able to assist them and bringit all together. that makes sense to me.
so what i'm hearing about supermarketsis -- if it's food, it's gonna be there. so we really have to deal with a massivevariety of sort of like little micro systems as it were. correct. for all thedifferent departments. so let's start, let's start from the top- and ever different department, every supermarket is structured differently.some will have the owners, will have all the departments under one family. under one business. some will have different brands, different concessions,they'll bring in brand name fish departments, they'll bring in a brandname meat department, they'll bring in -- but it all comes togetheras one supplier and one-stop shop.
so one user experience? one userexperience, correct. so what you're telling me, which i actually don't think iknew, is that i can go into a supermarket, and the butcher can be actually owned bya third party? that's correct. or operated by a third party. that's correct. and the bakery could be a third party. that's correct. and they all now need to coordinate to provide that oneexperience where i just get everything i want when i want it as opposed to say arestaurant -- why you might have 45 minutes up your sleeve to cook it. it's got tobe there and there and there. correct. so what are some of the design concerns? let's start at the top -- let's say a butcher. what are some of the key designconcerns when it comes to a commercial
kitchen? well, the first design concern wehave -- not for the butcher or anything else -- for the whole concept is who getswhat? we look at the demographics. is this a kind of community that you think we'regonna be selling a lot of meats and chickens? or a lot of cuts of meats andchickens? we'll assign some more space. we have let's say 10,000 square feetthere's a certain amount of space will do for front of the house and we takethe back of the house and we say ok and this is where we try to assist thecustomer you have to listen carefully see what it is that the customer wants iwould like to really feed fast sandwiches from my deli departmentmostly okay we can assign a certain
amount of space to prepare it to cook itand all that if they want to be high in food and one everyone coming in andbuying suppers for their children or able to sit down and eat the supperswhile they go shopping we have to assign different space it's all about listeningto what the customer is trying to achieve and how do we reach out to is toto the community or to the people shopping there and then based on that weassigns different space requirements for each department that makes sense so wheni remember when we go to a supermarket i happen to live in austin texas there's asupermarket chain called randall's and you go in and we always want thosepotato wedges okay we want them now so
what would be some of the for examplecommotions kitchel a commercial kitchen equipment that you might need in one ofthe hot food areas well first of all they'd have to have the proper space toprepare the cold food with the proper temperatures so especially when you knowwith poultry and all that kind of stuff to go along with the hashbrowns over thepotatoes that you like and we take those and then you have to cook em and youhave to have a space to be able to cook them and then chill them properly at thesame time you say you want to have it right now and you don't want to have tomake so we probably designed like a hot tablein the front and that where people can
actually take the food that's hot ofcourse would be there's a lot of intricate details that go into such adesign because you have to make sure it qualifies for the codes and all that youknow health health food wise and temperature wise those are very veryvery important things so if we do the process right from a to z when you'regonna get your potatoes or your meat coming out of those hot tables it'll bejust like it was made right now and it's perfect absolutely and i've heard a lotof talk when it comes to commercial kitchen design about codes i know wecan't talk here in a way that you know a lawyer could or someone who knows thecodes and they change of course from
canada county but some generalprinciples what are these codes we're talking about and how do you account forthem in the kitchen design well it's hard to describe the codes what you needto do is pokã©mon you're doing such a project a partner of its own who reallyknows his way around the kitchens right and that's something we usually come tothe table with understanding there's individual need and what may be therequirements and work with that so some of the codes have to do withsafety some of them have to do with well annotation they all have to do withsafety sanitation they're protecting the employees protecting the food andprotecting the clientele who's going to
be eating the food not to get sick or itshould be a pleasant experience yeah it is very upsetting when you have some youhave some at let's say supermarket food and the next day you're feeling crookit's very easy to point the finger back in that direction and a lot of timesthat would be a lot of times that would be because they don't have their systemsin place they didn't set it up correctly and if the setup is not done correctlyyou can you can try to fix it as much as you can that's where it's very importantto partner up with someone who really understands those needs turns to to getthe details right there we spend a lot of legworkyou know you'll come to a project
sometimes and you'll have to fold thewhole project say okay we got to revisit everything because you gotta understandwhat it is you're trying to accomplish not just put up a frigerator throw somepieces of meat in there you're not getting anywhere that you're not takingcare the customer and you're not gonna make money right that makes sense thankyou very much i think yeah if you'd like to find out more about commercialkitchen design and commercial and equipment when it comes tosupermarkets in particular please visit us online at culinary depot incl