simple italian kitchen design

simple italian kitchen design

you are watching: best homemade pizza recipe from scratch by inspire to cook pizza pizza, welcome to inspire to cook! today i am going to show you how to make pizza! real homemade pizza from scratch oh yeah, and it's not your regular pizza there is a cool twist/trick to it when your friends and family are going to see it, it's just going to blow their mind let's do it first we are going to make the dough

and the ingredients we are going to need are very few and very simple we are going to need some flour, 200 grams of flour as well as a tea spoon of dry yeast and almost full tea spoon of salt as well as 120 ml of water it needs to be warm water frist we are going to add our dry yeast right into the bowl and that's going to follow by 120 ml of water

and almost a full tea spoon of salt as well as 2 table spoons of olive oil we are going to mix it all up with a spatula until it's roughly the same in consistency and we are going to add our 200 g of flour and we will mix it up with our mixer with our dough hook, you can use any brand of mixer with a dough hook we are going to start slow until it's well combined after about 5 minutes of slow mixing

our pizza dough is pretty much mixed in pretty well this is the consistency that you want nice and elastic so what i am going to do is i am going to shape it into a nice ball like this and we are going to put it back in we are going to cover it up with a plastic wrap and we are going to let it rise at room temperature for about 40 minutes our dough is about ready, so we are gong to per-heat our oven for 485 degrees

and we are going to put our pizza pan right in the oven to warm it up in mean time, we are going to work with our dough we are going to put a little bit of flower right on the board spread it in the circle and we are going to grab our pizza dough it's pretty much doubled in size, and we are going to roll it up but first we are going to spread it out into a nice circle very gently after we rolled it up, we are going to go ahead and transferre it

right on top of our parchment paper and then we are going to make 4 cuts right in the middle 1 2 and 4 actually i am going to make them just a little bit longer and then i am going to add my secret pizza sauce you can use any pizza sauce, right on the corners we are going to put it everywhere on the sides of the pizza, but not in the middle

and then we are going to add our cheese, i am actually using mozzarella cheese but you can use any cheese that is moist and good for melting i am just going to use peperoni and cheese for my toppings but you can use any toppings i personally like to use salami and cheese as well but we are going to spread the pepperoni right around the pizza and now it's time to beautify this pizza i am going to grab this corner and bring it all the way to here

and stick it up it's very easy just like that again, you want to grab it in the middle, pick up this corner and simply stick it up like that and i took my hot pizza pan, right out of the oven and i am going to transport the pizza right on top of the pizza baking tray, just like that it's crucial that it's hot

we are going to put this beauty pizza in the oven for about 10 minutes at 485 degrees after about 10 minutes in the oven at 485 degrees f it looks lit it's completely ready we are going to transfer it on the board where we are gong to serve it look how beautiful it looks and if you are wondering if this circle is just for the beauty well not only, it's very practical we are going to put some greens in it

i am actually going to put some baby arugula greens or arugula not really sure how to pronounce it right in the middle and we are going to serve it with that well it's time to taste it, we are going to cut a slice umm, i love cheese umm and the best way to serve it is to through some greens on top of the pizza slice

the more the merrier if you've never tried pizza with some greens on top of it, you are missing out and you have some really good pizza with some greens! umm this is delicious guys try it at home let me know in comments below what you think and i'll see you next time

today i am going to show you how to make pizza not your regular pizza oh yeah and it's not your regular pizza uuh, sexy lady cheeselicouse!

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