small kitchen garden design ideas

not everyone has the luxury of a largegarden in today's episode we look at how easy it is to grow plants in smallspaces if you live in an apartment condo orjust don't have enough space for a garden these tips will help you set up your ownsmall space garden bush beans are a variety of beans thatgrow into small plants not huge plants or vining plants like the pole beans butare just as productive and here you can see we are using the small containersyou can get them easily at your local stores your dollar stores ikea walmartall of them carry this kind of
containers and we are growing theseburgundy beans you can see here the plant is very small and with this isjust a small container you can easily grow beans as you can see here this is aproductive plant for the space that it's occupying and this will keep producingfor a long time you can see the yellow wax beans as wellhere for all those of you who are planning to grow their own beans all you need is like about 10 inches by6 inches of growing space some access to sunlight this plant does need sunlight it needsfull sun at least about eight hours of
sun every day so even if you're growing this in apatio or balcony it should grow pretty well and you canharvest a lot of beans i was able to harvest about three to four times theamount of beans that you're seeing here because the bush beans are productive they don't vine out they don't grow largethey don't need any support as well but they do produce a lot as you can see here this was a harvestjust for one day but this is enough for a small meal and as you just saw
it's really easy to grow this vegetablein small spaces next let's take a look at cilantro now you can easily grow them ingreenhouses and then transplant them later in the small containers here i'malso going to show you how you can direct sow these seeds into the samesmall containers these are rubbermaid containers thatwe got at walmart and they're about two dollars each very cheap and a pretty durable itresists the outside sun pretty well as you can see here the plants have nowgerminated but it's very easy to grow
cilantro in this kind of a smallcontainer they do need watering and make sure that in small containers the plantsalways stay watered and you can see here they've grown really well and you can keepharvesting them they will regrow and it's just easy and you can even growthem in aluminum trays i have discussed this in one of myprevious episodes as well it's very easy to get aluminum trays weusually get our trays from costco they're pretty cheap and once you getthese trays just fill them up with sand and somecompost as you can see here is the cheapest way to get a planting medium
just mix of soil and compost and then thinthem once they grow a little tall so that way you can space out your plantspretty well keep them watered very well all the time and as you can see it's avery easy to grow them and you can use the same technique once they grow up youcan just harvest them by pinching the stems and harvesting them and by doing so the plant will producemore leaves and once you plant cilantro you can harvest it for at least about amonth or two months so i recommend that you keep planting these in succession sothat you get a constant supply of cilantro in your garden
[jingle] now let's look at our vertical gardenwhich i have discussed in detail in one of my previous episodes this shelvingunit can be easily acquired at any utility store in your area like a homedepot or lowes and as you can see here we are growing four onion bulbs inthis container and no matter what type of onions yougrow the bulbs will be much smaller when you grow them in smaller containers butas you can see here i'm hardly using any space to grow theseonions but these bulbs are fromed very well and for those of you who do nothave a lot of space and you can easily
use this method to grow great onions as you can see here a decently sizedbulbs and you can actually keep one plant in every tier of a shelving unitlike this and it really helps you expand your growing area so this kind of avertical growing approach is great for a lot of plants and we just saw somereally good onions being harvested now radish is one of the most common plantsthat you can grow in small spaces as you can see here we are using the samegrowing boxes small ones and there are some types ofradish that grow very well in such containers small containers
this variety is the burpee white radish i will try to post a video profile ofthis radish later and this is the crimson red radish there is a similar variety called scarlettglobe as well so these are winter radishes which meansthat they mature very quickly within about 30 to 40 days and grow in verysmall spaces so if you like radish and if you don'thave a lot of space to grow you can easily grow them in trays likethese and they are very productive i mean most of these radishplants will produce a good-sized root so
you can't really go wrong and you cankeep planting these in succession as well so if you have small spaces just stack them up once they germinatemove them to an open area where they can grow their leaves but the leaves are soshort that you can easily grow them in almost any kind of space now even though i have some decent sizedgrowing area i still use this technique i keep these boxes on the elevated spacethat you see here which it doesn't really have any plants growing and i caneasily grow these radishes and such a small area which really adds a lot ofvalue to the garden
and just like radish you can even grow turnips in small areas now turnip is an interesting vegetableif you haven't planted it you should try it out some people evengrow turnip to replace potatoes in some of the recipes and i'm not sure if thatworks out very well i don't think turnips replace potatoescompletely but it's an interesting option so try it out try growing this vegetablesee how it tastes see if you like eating it
so again we are growing this in thesmall box container that you see here and you can grow up to six turnips inone container so just direct sow the seeds and that's one of the benefits ofgrowing in small space containers like these is that you can grow them bydirect seeding the seeds as you can see them very clearly you can tend to them oncethey germinate all this is very easy when you're growing in smallercontainers now the only thing that you need toremember once again is to make sure that they are well hydrated that youwater the plants well and you can harvest some great turnip as you can seehere that
within just about three to four weeksturnips grow very fast i was able to harvest this within a month or so just like radish turnips are a greatoption to grow in small spaces so i hope you enjoyed today's episode on growingplants in small spaces and if you don't have a large garden or the space to growa lot i hope this episode encourages you to grow more of your own we'll see you again soon happy gardening