small corridor kitchen design ideas

hello friends welcome to the queen beeparadise in today's video i'll show you how i have designed and organized mypooja cabinet. this video will be useful for friends who are looking for poojacabinet design ideas and organizing i will cover about thematerials used in the making of my pooja cabinet and also how i haveorganized the pooja essentials in order to perform a peaceful pooja. before starting the video i request you to subscribe my channel and hit the bell icon in orderto get notifications, whenever i upload a new video. we donot have a seperate pooja room inour home, so we have made a wooden puja cabinet and placed it facing east. thesize of the puja cabinet is six feet
tall, three feet wide and 15 inches indepth. the cabinet is made up of commercial plywood and we have chosentextured laminates to give it a grand look. the wooden carvings that you are seeingnow are separate pieces of wood decors the painted with varnish or goldcolor and fixed to the puja cabinet. these carvings are easily available inthe market and inexpensive. they give a temple kind of traditional look to thepuja cabinet. the peacock handle and small bells fixedon the doors of the puja cabinet are of brass metal and they have an antiquefinish. they enhance the beauty of
pooja cabinet. in the top portion of the cabinet the idolsand pictures of our favorite gods are placed. there is a granite slab at thebottom of the partition for protection from fire. the diya's are always placed onplates to avoid oil spillage. this agarbatti stand is very useful to holdthe dust inside and maintain the place cleaner. i have a bigger lamp placed here.these are my tiny silver dãyas, which looks pretty. there is a bowl with waterto offer fresh flowers to god. this plate holds the waste from matchsticks.thekumkum and viboothi are placed inside a plastic tray. we light the incense conein this.
the two glass shelves are used to placetraditional pooja items and smaller idols of god. just below this partitionthere is a pullout tray, which is similar to a keyboard tray in the computer table.this tray is used to place the things that we are offered to god duringfestivals, like coconut ,fruits, flowers food items, beatel nutsetc .we also use this tray to keep any function invitations that we get fromfriends and relatives. below this tray is a bigger drawer to keep the pooja essentials. storing pooja essentials in a single place helps us perform poojapeacefully rather than moving around in search of things, during the puja. thereligious books are stored in one corner
in file system. the incense cones andmatchsticks are placed in a tray. i have used five or six small plastictrays that comes along with mushrooms baby corn, sweet boxes etc.this actsas a drawer dividers and helps in segregating and organizing things.thistray is used to keep the kumkum and other prasad that we get fromtemples. i have kept these cute containers to use as gifts on special occasions. agharbathis are stored in separatebox. the cotton and camphors are stored in airtight containers like this. birthdaycandles. sandal powder turmeric powder and other stuffs are stored here.
additional stock of pooja items arestored in this box. below this drawer is a small cabinet in which i have stored oil for diyas and other occasionally used stuffs.i have reused the dishwash liquid containers to store oil. this lid helps infilling the diya with required amount of oil rather than overflowing it. i havelined the tray with few tissue papers and stored the oil bottles there. fewearthern diyas which will be used to decorate the corridor and balconiesduring the festivals are stored here. this basket holds the rangoli stencilsand some color powders. this cover holds the tall brass lamps which were with adismantled. these lamps will be used only
during special occasions.below this ihave stored some lights and other festival decoration items which are usedoccasionally. inorder to avoid kids accessing this cabinet wehave fixed some heavy-duty door magnet. please check my video on baby proofingideas for more details on the same.if you had liked the the video please give me a thumbs up andshare the video with your friends and family.consider subscribing my channelfor more such organizing videos. thanks for watching bye bye