red and black kitchen design ideas

red and black kitchen design ideas

- hey my lovelies. whether you're headed backto school, back to work, or just generally back toreality after an amazing summer, these five awesome mealpreps i've got today will really help you get backon track with your eating. i love all of theses meal prep ideas because you can put togethera big batch on sunday and enjoy them throughout the week. i'm kicking things off todaywith an awesome combination

of fiber rich brown rice, areally crunchy red cabbage slaw, and these amazing sweetand spicy meatballs. now to make our meatballswe are going to get started with some ground turkey in a bowl. and to that we are gonnaadd some bread crumbs, some pineapple, somefinely chopped green onion, and one egg. (soft, bouncy music) then for even more flavori'm adding some hoisin sauce,

some sriracha saucefor a little spiciness, and some garlic and ginger. i'm gonna stir this mixture up until everything is well combined and then i'm going toroll out my meatballs and place them on aparchment lined baking sheet. into the oven these goat 375 degrees fahrenheit until they're cooked through. i like to finish them off

with a little morehoisin sauce as a glaze, and they are ready to rock! next i'm mixing up asimple red cabbage slaw to go with my meatballs. in my bowl i've got somefinely shredded red cabbage. to that i'm going to addsome julienne carrots and some finely diced red onion. i'm just gonna dress myslaw simply with some oil, some vinegar, a little bit of honey,

and of course some salt and pepper. give that a toss and this deliciousnessis ready to be enjoyed. this box is such a gorgeous combination of tasty flavors, textures, and colors. it will become a total hit for lunch, but of course you could justas easily enjoy it for dinner. (soft, playful music) next up, loves,

i've got a really healthy greekinspired lunchbox for you. i like to start witha nice layer on quinoa at the base of my lunchbox. then i pile on some beautifulgreek inspired chicken, a cucumber and feta saladfor some nice crunch, and then serve it all with alittle side of tzatziki sauce. uber good! now for my greek chicken i use boneless, skinless chicken breasts,

but you could definitelyuse legs or thighs if you wanted to. next i added the zestand juice of one lemon, a little bit of garlicpowder, some dried oregano, and some salt and pepper. then we simply bake thesebabies at 375 degrees fahrenheit this amazing salad isequally easy to prepare. it all starts with somechopped cucumbers in a bowl. to that i'm adding sometomatoes, some feta,

some freshly chopped dill,a little greek seasoning, some olive oil, and some red wine vinegar. give that all a tossand what you end up with is this really flavorful, colorful salad that you will just devour. this lunchbox is a really great way to show lunch how much you care. (lively, snappy music) my next lunchbox

features some really greatasian inspired flavors. it all starts with one of myall time favorite recipes, my chinese fried quinoa as a base. next i like to pile onsome steamed green beans and some tasty garlic shrimp. you just start with a nice hot frying pan. to that you're gonna addjust a little bit of oil to prevent things from sticking. next you're going to addsome finely chopped onion.

cook that for three or four minutes or until it become translucent, and then you can add some minced garlic. once that garlic is nice and fragrant in goes our veggies. now in this case i am usingsome frozen peas and carrots. what could be easier than that? but of course this recipe you could actually use anytype of veggies you wanted to.

i'm gonna saute my veggies until they're just cooked through, and then i'm going to pushthem all over to one side and scramble up a couple of eggs. once my eggs are amply scrambled i'm going to stir everything together and then toss in my cooked quinoa and a little bit of soya sauce. you just need to mix all this goodness up

and cook it for anothertwo to three minutes until it's heated through, and it is ready to be devoured. my garlic shrimp is just as simple to make and just as flavorful. it once again starts with a little bit of oil in a frying pan. to that i'm adding my peeled shrimp and seasoning it up with alittle bit of salt and pepper.

i'm going to cook my shrimp until it's nice and pink and opaque. and when it's got just about another minuteof cooking left on it i'm going to add some minced garlic and some red chili flakes. toss that all togetherand what you end up with is one of the fastest sourcesof protein you can think of. this meal prep has beautiful,complementary flavors

that i think you guys are going to love. and i can honestly say, if you've never made chinese fried quinoa, it'll seriously change your life. (upbeat guitar music) for my next lunchbox i've got some fun mexicaninspired flavors for you. it all starts with my lime cilantro rice. next i like to pile in

some fiber rich black bean and corn salsa. and finish it all off withsome awesome fajita chicken. you just start with a nicehot skillet on the stove. to that you're just gonnaadd a little bit of oil and then pile in your veggies. i'm using some red onion here and some beautiful bell pepper, but you actually are welcome to use any kind of veggies that you want.

i'm also going to pile insome thinly sliced chicken. once all that goodness is in the pan it is time to get our fajita on with some classic fajita spices. today i'm using some garlic powder, some chili powder, some onion powder, a little bit it dried oregano, some paprika, and some cumin. we're just gonna hit this

with a little bit of salt and pepper and then cook it all up untilour chicken is cooked through. if you find things aresticking a little bit, go ahead and add a few splashes of water to the bottom of your pan. this will help just loosen everything up. this beautifully spiced chicken mixture is really well complemented by my cool black bean and corn salsa.

this starts with some canned black beans that i've rinsed and drained. to that i like to add somefrozen corn for sweetness, some red bell pepper for crunch, and of course some red onion because we just lovered onion around here. we're gonna hit that all witha little bit of chili powder, some refreshing freshly chopped cilantro, and then finish it off withthe zest and juice of a lime.

give that a good toss and this salsa is ready to be devoured. we're going to repeat thosesame refreshing flavors in our rice dish. in this case i'm startingwith some white rice, but of course you coulduse brown if you wanted to. to that i'm adding thezest and juice of a lime, and a little freshcilantro for good measure. this just adds a little pizazzto otherwise boring rice,

and seriously rounds out all of the deliciousness in this dish. guys this is a really tasty way to get a ton of nutritionwith a ton of flavor. i hope you will give this one a try. finally today i'm going to show you one ofmy very favorite meal preps. it's my lemon dill salmon. and what i love aboutusing salmon in meal prep

is that it tastes just as goodconsumed cold as it does hot. so you have both options there. this lunchbox starts with a beautiful layerof my lemon parsley rice. i top that with somegorgeous steamed vegetables, some broccoli, some asparagus, and then i finish it off with this incredible lemon dill salmon. i'm starting with somegorgeous salmon filets

on a parchment lined baking sheet. i like to top them with asprinkle of garlic powder, a little salt, a little pepper,some freshly chopped dill, and then a few slice of lemon. i bake these at 375 degrees fahrenheit until they're cookedthrough, let them cool, and then they are ready to be packed up. for my lemon parsley rice i start with some cooked white rice.

to that i add some freshly grated garlic, the zest and juice of a lemon, and of course a ton offreshly chopped parsley. this is a really refreshingway to enjoy your rice, and is really beautifully complemented by those gorgeous green veggies, and of course thatamazing lemon dill salmon. as far as i'm concerned this is heart healthylunch at it's finest.

i really hope you guys will give all of thesemeal prep ideas a try. and if you do you must tweet me, instagram me, or snap chat me a photo because of course i loveseeing your kitchen creations. keep in mind if you are interested inmore meal prep inspiration i have a ton of it on the channel. so i've linked a playlist inthe description box below.

and of course all of today'srecipes are down below as well, so you can take a look. finally, if you have notalready, be sure to subscribe because there is lots more deliciousness where this came from.

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