new england kitchen design ideas

new england kitchen design ideas

now, let's talk about how you can enhanceyour wealth in your kitchen. since fire is one of the most important elements in thekitchen, let's talk about fire first. so how can we implement fire element. so it's obviouslya red color. so here in this kitchen, what we did, you can see tiles, design of the thesetiles actually is carefully made, that it resembles that fire energy. so that is redcolor also. so you can do simple things like getting your red kettle or red towel. so youcan also place some ceramic bowls, simply having your red ceramic bowl or red bowl withfruit. so that represents the fire. also, this bowl was very carefully placed here becausethis place fill central to the whole kitchen and the, and family area. so that is the center,and it's a very good way to honor the center

to place a nice beautiful bowl with beautifulvibrant fruit.

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