lowes kitchen renovation ideas

lowes kitchen renovation ideas

new laminate countertops are an affordableway to update an old kitchen. today’s laminate tops are stylish, available in several colors,and can be installed by the average diyer. here are a few things to check before buyingyour top. first, measure your cabinet depth. to checklength, measure along the back wall for accuracy. account for any overhangs, too, typicallyabout â¾- of an inch to an inch. next, check backsplash height. your new topwill need to clear any outlets and window trim. also, you’ll need to finish wall areasthat will show. lastly, check to see if your walls are fairlystraight with a square and level. a little bow is ok. you can trim the countertop tofit. some cases might require a custom top.

if you not sure, we can do the install foryou. visit lowes.com/installation for details. if you haven’t already removed the old countertopdo it now. shut off and disconnect the electric and plumbing.take off the sink brackets and pull it out. to take off the counter, detach it from thewalls and cabinets. pull a bit and it should come loose. if you're installing new cabinetslike we are, this is the time to do it. then, once you have your new counter, you can cutthe top to length. mask the finished side where the cut line will be. flip the counterover and mark the length. double check your measurements.attach a guide to keep your cut straight. make the cut on the backside using a saw witha fine-tooth blade, then file any rough spots.

only file toward the backing. some countertopsrequire build up strips to help lift and support, but check your directions. if the cabinetdrawers won’t clear the counter’s front edge, you definitely need them. hold themon the underside of the countertop and attach with nails. about every 2-feet and 2-inchesfrom the ends should do. next, check the fit. run a piece of tape along the top of the backsplash.set the counter in place, getting the mitered corner as tight as possible, and tighten themiter bolts. you’ll most likely notice a gap along the wall. take a compass, set itto the width of the widest gap, and scribe a line along the back edge. go ahead and takeoff the counters, and remove the excess with a belt sander. use a file to take off anyburrs then check the fit. complete the look

by adding return splashes where the countermeets walls and end caps on the counter overhangs. attach the build up strips, hold the pieceon, and iron. you can trim the edges with a file. at thispoint you’re ready for the sink, and rangetop if you have one. some sinks come with a template.if you don't have one, set the top in place, center up the sink, and trace the outline.your cut out will be a â¼- to â½-inch inside this line. place some masking tape aroundthe edges to protect the top. drill a few small starter holes in the corners, and cutout the piece—don’t let it fall. then file any burrs. it’s smart to add some extrasupport near the edges of the cutouts, especially along the back. to secure the top, you candrill through the corner brackets, or add

angle brackets just below the build up strips.next, position the countertop, starting with the longest piece. apply the recommended adhesiveat the miter, and snug the miter bolts. tap the seam with scrap wood and hammer to getit even. tighten the bolts all the way and clean up any excess glue.now use #8 screws to secure the top to the brackets. remember—use short screws. don’tbe one of those people who drills through their nice, new countertop. finish up by settingyour sink and rangetop, and applying silicone around the edges, caulk along the back walltoo. once you've connected the plumbing, reattach the cabinet doors, and drawers, and admireyour work. see what a new countertop can do for a kitchen? for more diy projects and inspiration,visit lowes.com/howto or click subscribe.

now that you’re countertops are done, learnhow to install engineered hardwood floors.

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