l shaped kitchen design ideas with island

l shaped kitchen design ideas with island

kitchen island cabinets are a star in manykitchens today, because they add both functionality and beauty to a basic kitchen design. working space is located on the top of theisland, along with cook tops, sinks and food preparation area, depending upon the design. below the working surface is plenty of roomto install cabinets to hold a number of different types of kitchen utensils. most kitchen working islands are availablewith a standard height. customized kitchens may place the cabinetson a base in order to facilitate cleaning or to raise the working surface to a morecomfortable level.

the cost of islands can be held to a budgetby working with standard sizes. design cabinets that allow you to store itemsthat may be hard to place elsewhere in the kitchen. kitchen planning and organizing your cabinetstorage allows your utensils and appliances to be stored closest to where they are mostoften used. you can take advantage of a tall narrow cabinetto store cookie sheets in an island cabinet directly across from the oven.deeper cabinets allow you to place large punch bowl sets or even flower vases. home improvement centers and cabinetry shopscan provide islands in standard configurations

or in custom designs to meet specific needsof the owners. a large working surface can be very helpfulwhen preparing meals, but if the cook must reach too far to utilize the center portionof the island, it may be difficult to reach to the back of the cabinets below the worksurface. it may be helpful to plan for turntables orslide out shelves in order to improve access. if your island is plumbed and wired for power,you will need to take that into consideration when placing items in storage in the cabinets. the convenience of being able to reach a bakingdish from below the working surface and bring it up into use is undeniable.some owners use the space above the working

surface for hanging decorative cookware suchas copper or stainless steel. adding kitchen island cabinets when doingplanning for a renovation or restoration project in your kitchen is a great way to add bothworking space and storage place. a kitchen planner can help you to make themost use of your available space. project planning software is available inmost home improvement center and online as well.

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