kitchen tile design ideas backsplash

kitchen tile design ideas backsplash

there’s nothing like a well-designed backsplashto liven up your kitchen. believe it or not, even on a tight budget, it’s an upgradeyou can easily do on your own. whether you’re using whole tiles, mosaicsheets, or any other tile variety, tile installation always follows the same steps. we recommendordering 10 percent more tile than you need to account for cutting, breakage, and otherunexpected needs. here’s what you’ll need to install yourbacksplash: a level, tape measure, utility knife, notchedtrowel (specific for the type of tile you’re installing) tile cutter, tile nipper, rubber mallet, grout sponge,rubber grout floats, a drill, mixing paddle, bucket for mixing thin-set and bucket for mixing grout. you'll also need wall tile, tile adhesive, grout, caulk,

pencil, tile spacers if needed, masking or painter's tape, cardboard, or drop cloths and grout sealer. when taking on this d.i.y. task, be sure toequip yourself with the proper safety gear. throughout the video, we’ll alert you regardingwhen you should and should not use the safety gear. step 1: prepare areabefore you begin, turn off the power connected to the area where you’ll be working. sincetiling’s a messy job, it’s important to take the proper precautions to keep your space,and your belongings, clean. be sure to completely clear off your counter, then cover it withcardboard or drop cloth. remove all outlet covers and cover them with masking or painter’stape. tape off counter and cabinet edges, and touch up any dents or cracks on the order for your tile adhesive to adhere

properly, wipe down the wall with water anda mild cleaner. step 2: plan layoutplanning your layout is one of the most important steps to creating a great-looking backsplash.we recommend starting at a focal point, such as the center of the backsplash area. step 3: determine midpointuse a tape measure to determine the center of your backsplash area. using a level andpencil, mark the midpoint with a vertical reference line on the wall. starting at thispoint, position your tiles along the counter to check their placement. if an end piece is too small, adjust yourmidpoint to allow for larger end pieces.

step 4: confirm counter is levelbefore installing backsplash, you’ll need to ensure your counter is level. to do this,run a level along your counter to find the lowest point. mark a point two tiles or asheet up from this low point, leaving one-eighth of an inch at the bottom for caulk. mark alevel line with a pencil across the entire work area. step 5: apply adhesiveuse a notched trowel to evenly apply tile adhesive to the area beneath the horizontalreference line. using the notched edge, hold the trowel at a 45-degree angle to createhorizontal ridges. work in small sections to install the tile before the adhesive dries.if the adhesive dries before you’re able

to place the tile, remove it and apply a newcoat. since you’ll be positioning your tiles next to the reference line, be sure it staysvisible. step 6: place tileswith a slight twisting motion, press tiles into the adhesive, making sure to leave roomat the bottom of the tile for caulk. if your tiles aren’t self-spacing, use plastic spacersto maintain even grout lines. step 7: install rowcontinue placing tiles along your reference line. if your countertop is uneven, you mayneed to cut tiles that are too tight. trim any tiles as needed with a wet tile saw. forsmaller cuts, use tile nippers. step 8: small areasif you need to install tiles in a small area

where a trowel won’t fit, you’ll needto do something called back buttering. to do this, apply adhesive to the back of yourtiles, using the notched edge of the trowel to create ridges on your adhesive as you applyit. step 9: secure tilesto ensure tiles are even and secure, use a rubber grout float to lightly press the tilesinto the adhesive, paying special attention to areas that may not be completely flat.wipe away any adhesive on the front of the tiles, and check for areas where adhesivemay be filling the grooves. in order to have enough room for your grout, wipe away anyexcess adhesive in the cracks. step 10: apply groutif you used spacers, remove them from your

tile and wipe the backsplash with a damp sponge.mix the grout in a bucket according to manufacturer instructions, and apply diagonally againstthe grout lines with a rubber grout float. wait 10 minutes, then wipe the tile with adamp sponge. you may need to do this several times. be sure to use clean water each time. step 11: clean & seala gray film called a grout haze may form over the tile as it dries. to remove grout haze,simply wipe with a damp sponge after your grout has set. let the grout set for a few days to ensure it’s completely dry before sealing. once dry, use caulk to fill edges along the countertop,then apply grout sealer. once your sealer has dried per manufacturer instructions, yourproject is complete. revel in your beautiful

new backsplash!

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