kitchen design ideas quartz

kitchen design ideas quartz

kitchen countertops: what is the differencebetween granite vs quartz? welcome to burning questions. i’m mark. and that is your burning question for today. [ music playing ] what's the difference between granite andquartz and which one is best for me? the best way for me to compare granite toquartz would be similar to purchasing a new luxury vehicle. two different companies making very similarautomobiles with very similar benefits and

features but in the end there is one traitthat has you lean to selected that vehicle. granite and quartz are the same in that respect. so i'll give you some pros and cons when selectingthat solid surface for your kitchen. let's start with maintenance. quartz countertops do not need to be maintainedor sealed because they are natural materials combined with man-made materials and basicallyform together. on the other hand granite does have to besealed especially if you are working in kitchens with prepping food for meals and is recommendedto be done once a year. granite it is just much more porous than quartz.

now let's take a look at stain resistance. quartz is generally much more stain resistant,but if your granite is sealed properly you should not have issues with staining. how do they compare in price for the mostpart you're going to find very similar pricing, but there will be the occasional granite thatwill be much more expensive due to the rarity of the material and location of the quarry. the overall look between both materials canvery. if you like a more natural look with greaterrandom patterns and uniqueness granite is certainly the way to go.

quartz on the other hand has a very consistentlook and does not vary much from slab to slab. enjoy the selection process,you will marvelat the amount of selections available to you. and in the end whichever material you select,it will be a great investment in the value and beauty of your home. thanks again for joining us. send in your burning questions and i willput them out.

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