kitchen design ideas glasgow

hello guys, my name is tegan and today iwant to show you our secondhand furniture, which is basically all of ourfurniture. there are several reasons why my husband like to further by secondhandfurniture rather than brand new. number one you save money. secondhand is always cheaper than brand new.number two, you can buy more unique pieces. not necessarily one-of-a-kindantiques but furniture that says something about you rather than when you shop.number three you can afford higher quality, solid rather than ply-boardpieces. this third point is what we really try to focus more on nowadays. so,quality over quantity in all aspects of
life i guess.and number four, you reducelandfill by buying less into consumer culture. our shoe cabinet is actually awine cabinet. i saw this idea on pinterest and i bloody loved it! i grewup never wearing shoes inside the house so there must always be somewhere tostore shoes at the door. you can find wine cabinets much cheaper than this buti took a long time to find something that would fit in this awkward space forour front entrance and now that is one of my favorite pieces of's very solid and i think it's probably the highest quality piece we own. we brought it home hanging out the boot of a car! i thought i was goingto lose it on the freeway but you gotta
do what you gotta do! this plant stand was$12 at a trash and treasure market. i had literally been looking for one like itfor years but athefew i'd come across were always more than $100. wheni bought it and was carrying it around the market, one lady accosted me andseemed to be very upset that i'd found at first. she was like, "where did you getthat?!" "what are you gonna do with it?!" and i was like, "i'm gonna put a plant in it?" i swear she nearly ripped it out of myhands this entertainment unit was probably alittle more than i originally wanted to pay, but we really love the design. all wehad to do was drill a hole in the back
for the dvd player and the appletvchords. and it's got plenty of room for all ourdvds, our cds and a few other bits and pieces as well. we have pretty much decided that we are never ever going to buy a new couch or lounge suite again, solong as we have our cat selene. the only piece of furniture we've boughtbrand-new was a fantastic furniture couch, it wasn't amazing quality but itlooked alright and it did the job. then selene arrived on the scene and shethought it belonged to her. i tried everything to stop her scratching it;wrapping it up in tin foil and sticky tape, buying her all the different kinds catscratchers but she basically destroyed it
within 18 months. we purchased thisleather suite for a great price and around the same time i invested in thecheapest cardboard cat scratchers from kmart which selene loves! we don't expect it to stay in pristine condition forever because selene does still like to sleepon them but at only $250, we don't really mind so much this rug, while not secondhand,was ex-floor stock which is another great thing to look forinstead of buying brand new. before i met adi, i planned to keep a jungle python as a pet. i arranged for my wildlife keeper license and i boughtthis converted kitchen cabinet from ebay as a terrarium. then almost immediatelyafter that i met adi and he flipped out
when he saw the, what i thought was anobviously fake snake, so it's been empty ever since. i don't really want to getrid of it. we use it for book storage and i keep myrecords in here as well. we've thought about keeping frogs or stick-insects inhere but i'm not so keen. i'm not sure really how i feel about keeping a snakein such a captive environment anymore either. this is the second dining table we'vebought a couple. when we first moved in together we used my old ikea desk as a dining table for months. then we boughta small round 4 seater on ebay and once we moved into this house we soldthat one to someone who was going to
refurbish it, because we want to tell mebigger for this space honestly i think we paid a little toomuch for it, especially since it's just from fantastic furniture but it has beenserving us very well. i searched for ebay for our master bed suite formonths and eventually won the bidding on this one for what i think was a greatprice. it's natural, solid oak and i love the paneling on the side of the drawers.the model came with wooden handles for all the drawers but the previous ownersnever installed them and we think it looks great without them too! we were a bit disappointed with this purchase, it's a fantastic furniture brand againand while i knew this when we bought it
the photos did not indicate the poorcondition of the wood and i couldn't leave it there because i'd alreadyorganized for my father to bring his ute up to the city to help us collect it. it has however been very useful whenfamily come to stay. and finally, not really a furniture item i guess but alarge household piece nonetheless our aquarium which is way too expensive for us to buy brand new. this was another 'hanging out the boot on the freeway'scenario which in hindsight was not the smartest idea. but it survived and eventhough we've only had varying success with the aqua garden and not very muchsuccess with fish,
i think it's a great addition to ourhome. not just with the peaceful vibe it creates but the cupboards below act asbonus extra storage too. thanks for watching guys, let me know if you enjoyedthis video and whether or not you buy secondhand furniture and, if so, what isyour favorite piece? see you next time bye!