interior design kitchen diner

interior design kitchen diner

ruling hey how's it going rob from thetech reps i'm here with george from rayva home theaters and you guys know i get excited thisis probably gonna be my mission you're gonna be hearing me talk a lot aboutrayva home theaters i'm gonna let george introduce it and i'll ask him somequestions as we go sure george a little bit of backgroundokay thanks rob mmm this is our basic rayva home theaters package andreally what's exciting about it it's all inclusive everything you see herethe engineering the interiors the electronics rayva home theaters does something alittle special instead of the traditional way of every home theater isa project where you pick all the different pieces parts with rayva home theaters it's aproduct everything you see is all pre

engineered to meet your expectations andperformance levels and we'd love to show it off one of the things you talkedabout one of the things that i love i keep telling you guys just as gary veetold me that uber does not sell taxi service they sell time and as georgegave a class today we were learning about rayva home theaters one of the things that keptticking in the back of my mind is you guys having to pick out a projector doesit match the screen do i have the right speakers am i going atmosam i gonna do panels am i gonna do the car but what about the seats and that'sonly half of it and george made a great point in that meeting that how much timehe's going to be able to save you guys

and i just want to talk to you aboutthat sure i mean when would we conceived of this we realized that the time is oneof the things that you can't get back we talked to dozens of dealers and as acommunity we all struggle to get that time resource our integrate artinstallers are overworked we can't get quality installers so we said okay howdo we make them more efficient and how do we really make this jump profitablebecause so many dealers told us that well we planned on it being a two-weekjob and it went to four weeks or went to six weeks once that clients build youcan't get that money back so when we started from square one every decisionwe made was to save time to make it more

efficient so we don't cut holes in thewalls to do in wall speakers we mount them on the walls all the panels are allcalculated exactly where they're gonna go and you just follow the template soyou can install this whole room we've actually done it a few times in two dayswhere normally it's two weeks so conservatively conservatively we tellpeople you can get it done in less than a week but we feel very confident it's atwo-day job everything you see one of the most important things to me when iopen up the business you guys know is i wanted to get out of bed and sellsomething that i believe in i took a couple of days thinking about coming uphere and meeting these guys and one of

the things a lot of you guys said to mewas rob who's doing theaters i think we need to refocus back on theatres andthere is a game or media room and play with these guys and some other reallyinteresting stuff i'll talk to you one-on-one about but bring up the pointvin bruno's in the area i'd like to bring him in but uh george just tell uswhat ben said about where the kids go when you have made the investment likethis sure kids go where they feel comfortable where they're entertainedwhere the fun happens you know and that's why when we talk to families whohave a theater like this they say that's where the kids hang out they bring theirfriends over sometimes they sit in here

and do their homework why because it'scomfortable it fits what they want to experience they may watch you know ayoutube video which is part of school or they may watch their favorite cartoon orthey may want to movie anything is possible but it's the right environmentyou want your kids in a place in the home where they feel safe and they feelcomfortable and i think it comes down to the investment and you guys having aconversation with the homeowner whether they looking to buy a boat that they'regonna use three times a year up here in the northeast maybe they're looking toput a pool in this thing is gonna be all year-round fun and even if you couldjust pan around to this whole theater

it's just an experience just to come inhere and i don't it's just a great investment i think it reba we'repassionate about theaters and we love to show off what we do so if you'd like tocome up here and experience this get in touch with us our doors are always openthis show room is up in valhalla so if you guys are in the area even if youcome up to new york on a trip and you want to check out the showroom we'd loveto have you you local guys we need to get you in here asap just to get theexperience we all know as kids or even as adults whenever we walk into a hometheater there's an emotional roller coaster it takes a son and that'ssomething that happens in our brain and

we got to bring that back to the homeworld i hope we can so george i appreciate your information you givethem the website sure you can reach us rayva home theaters

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