kitchen interior designer in montreal

kitchen interior designer in montreal

erika storm wasser:hi, i'm erika, comedian and host of spacestv. i just moved into a tribecaloft, but the only reason i was able to afford it is becauseit's falling apart. but the place has great bones. it has so much potential. and luckily, i'm alwaysdown for a renovation makeover project. which is why we are going roomby room, with the help of my

friends from spacestv and thedesign savvy that i've picked up along the way, and turningthis space from hot mess into a place i can call home. so i know that it is rare foranyone in new york city to complain about space. but before the real estate godsstrike me down, i am not complaining. but we're totally overwhelmed. we don't know what to do witha living room of this size.

we just have absolutely noidea where to even start. because so much of design isabout balance and scale that we just find this room to becompletely overwhelming. it has to serve as our diningroom, our living room, and our entertaining space. and we want to be able to havedinner parties or house parties, or hang outon the couch. and we want it to feel reallyintimate, but at the same time, really bright and openand airy, because we have

absolutely no naturallight in here. and we are calling on kennethand davis of kenneth/davis designs to come to the rescue. because we are literally lostin all of this space. that's where we're at now,but not for long. let's get started. hi. oh my god, hi. kenneth and davis have madeit up the stairs.

say hi. davis: hi. erika storm wasser: it is 7:00am on a saturday morning, which is when bob's furniturelikes to deliver. [dog barks] erika storm wasser: the doghas now gotten out. so now we're going to bringstuff down and up from davis and kenneth's car. i really don't understand howthis is going to get done.

i mean, i'm looking around,and it looks like an absolute hot mess. davis, how's it going? davis: well, the last[inaudible] doesn't line up. kenneth: i'd do better if thiswere, like, the south of france and we had some reallyhot people helping us. erika storm wasser: we do. kenneth: oh, puh-lease. erika storm wasser: [laughs]

davis: [inaudible]. erika storm wasser: we've runinto a couple of roadblocks. kenneth: erika, mayi say something? erika storm wasser: yes. kenneth: it doesn't lookany better than when i was here last week. you're fired. the space was dark and therewere no windows, except the two up there.

and instantly, we saw thislittle blue tinge of light, and we found these wonderfulprints behind us. and so it brings in the light,we felt, and just brightens up the space. davis: this space had greatpotential, and it was just being unutilized. so we knew that youwanted something glamorous and exciting. we said, let's keep it light andbright, and that's how we

found this huge whiteleather sectional. when we got the lamps plus lightfor over the corner, we really loved the lamp, butit was a little too squat for the room. we retrofitted it and broughtit up by placing brackets on the back of the lamp base. kenneth: and i think the storyto the room is just keeping it white, bright, keepingvery little pattern. we have a solid surface here.

we have the floors. we have the white carpeting,the white couch. broke it up with a littlegreen and a little black and white. and then we did these wonderfulmirrors that we found and had them installed,and i think that gives her a wonderful reflection and opensup the room, but gives it some style, as well. erika storm wasser: and what ilove so much about the dining

scheme that you guys createdis that it's so unique. who puts a sheep on the table? and then we have the diningbench on one side and the chairs on the other. kenneth: just incredible chairs,the belt chairs. erika storm wasser: they'reseat belts. kenneth: seat belts. they're something to see. davis: and we wanted to createthat as the focal

point for the space. kenneth: and thearchitecturalness, it's just-- and they're comfortable. i love them. davis: and the texture. i love the texture and how thebelts are twisted around to provide that added texture. erika storm wasser:i love it, guys. i can't tell you howexcited i am.

thank you so much. and thank you, global viewsand home goods for all the accessories. phillips collection are theseat-belt chairs and the awesome sheep. the lamps plus lighting--insane. and also, the bench camefrom lamps plus. so who knew they actuallydo more than just lamps? it's lamps plus.

kenneth: plus. erika storm wasser: bob's,you saved the day with this white sectional. and the genius brains insideof these lovely fellows, kenneth and davis. thank you guys so much. and now you've seenmy living room. you've been watching "it's gotpotential." we're going to have a new episode every week,so subscribe to spaces and see

the entire transformation ofmy hot mess apartment.

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